OSC Leadership Development

OSC, under the leadership of Managing Director, Dr. Saba Hasanie, was created to fill the gap in the coaching market in Asia by offering a coaching psychology approach to leadership development with a team who understand the nuances of the Southeast Asian vs Western business contexts. The organisation has experienced remarkable growth by fostering a collaborative environment that drives innovation in their pursuit for long-term partnerships that push the boundaries of what is possible. Saba’s strategic direction has played a pivotal role in shaping OSC into an organisation that engages leaders to be seen, more purposeful, integrated and impactful in their work, life and communities.



Our core leadership group is supported by an extensive network of over 95 coaches located in various geographies across the globe. Our associates are highly trained and experienced coaches who embody our values and integrity of service and support.

Depending on your geographic needs, language capabilities or style preference, we can find a great match for your requirements.